Cara HELLPs is dedicated to honor our daughter Cara Kernohan who lost her life tragically and suddenly on October 5th, 2017 at the age of 29 years to Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome at 35 weeks pregnant. Her miracle daughter Blakely Cara is a survivor and was born October 1st, 2017.
Our goal is intended to educate through public awareness and help in fundraising for the medical research of this deadly disorder Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome. Research into Preeclampsia will reduce maternal and infant deaths. All proceeds raised goes directly to Cara HELLPs research fund established at Preeclampsia Foundation Canada.
Although medical professionals continue to advance their knowledge and research around these conditions, there is still a lot unknown.

It has taken many months to try and process and make sense of this sudden and tragic life changing story as the heart ache and loss has been insurmountable. Today I am no further ahead, but felt it is too important not to tell my story. I am reaching out for 2 reasons, first to share my story of the very unexpected and tragic loss of my 29 year old pregnant daughter, Cara to preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Second, in the hopes to help create awareness and education on this dangerous and potential deadly illness due to pregnancy and that it may help save the lives of other young expecting mothers to be.